Welcome to Altum HR’s Free Employment Policy Downloads Hub!

At Altum HR, we are committed to empowering businesses like yours with the tools you need to thrive. We understand that effective human resources management is crucial for your success, which is why we offer a range of complimentary downloads. From essential policies to innovative HR solutions, our resources are designed to support and enhance your business operations, free of charge. Explore our collection today and take a further step towards optimising your workforce.

Flexible Work Policy

Aimed at promoting work-life balance, this policy provides the framework for employees to request flexible working arrangements. It details eligibility, the application process, and the criteria management will consider in approving or denying requests.

Altum HR Icons Anti-Slavery Policy
Anti-Slavery Policy

This policy outlines the legal requirements in the fight against slavery and human trafficking within the organisation and its supply chains. It establishes the principles and procedures to ensure compliance with modern slavery laws and emphasises the commitment to ethical business practices.

Altum HR. AI in the Workplace Policy
AI in the Workplace Policy

This document details the guidelines for the deployment and use of artificial intelligence technologies within the workplace. It covers ethical considerations, data protection, and the impact on employment, ensuring AI enhances productivity without compromising fairness or employee rights.

Altum HR. Menopause Policy
Menopause Policy

Recognising the unique challenges faced by employees going through menopause, this policy offers support and adjustments in the workplace. It ensures sensitivity and confidentiality in handling related health and well-being issues.

Altum HR. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

This policy outlines our commitment to ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible business operations. It covers community engagement, environmental conservation initiatives, and ethical business practices.

Altum HR. Disciplinary Policy
Disciplinary Policy

Essential for maintaining workplace discipline, this policy sets out the procedures for addressing employee misconduct. It provides a clear, fair, and consistent approach to disciplinary actions, ensuring all employees are treated with fairness and respect.

Altum HR. Dogs in the Workplace Policy
Dogs in the Workplace Policy

This policy provides guidelines for allowing dogs in the workplace, aiming to enhance the work environment while ensuring safety and hygiene. It details the conditions under which pets are allowed, the responsibilities of dog owners, and considerations for allergy and phobia concerns.

Altum HR. Equality Policy
Equality Policy

This document asserts the company’s commitment to promoting equality and preventing discrimination based on age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or religion. It outlines procedures for maintaining an inclusive workplace.

Altum HR. Drug and Alcohol Policy
Drug and Alcohol Policy

Addressing substance abuse, this policy outlines the rules regarding the use and influence of drugs and alcohol within the workplace. It specifies prevention, support mechanisms, and disciplinary procedures for violations.

Altum HR. Grievance Policy
Grievance Policy

This policy provides a formal avenue for employees to raise concerns or complaints about workplace issues. It details the steps for a fair and thorough investigation of grievances to resolve issues constructively.

Altum HR. Mental Health Policy
Mental Health Policy

Emphasizing the importance of mental health, this policy provides guidelines for supporting employees dealing with mental health challenges. It includes resources, support mechanisms, and approaches to promote a mentally healthy workplace.

Altum HR. Social Media Policy
Social Media Policy

This policy governs the use of social media by employees, both personally and professionally. It aims to protect the company’s image and prevent issues arising from the misuse of social media platforms.

Altum HR. Statutory Leave Policy
Statutory Leave Policy

Outlines the rights and procedures for statutory leaves, including maternity, paternity, adoption, and sick leave. This policy ensures compliance with legal entitlements and supports employees during significant life events.

Altum HR. Working from Home Policy
Working from Home Policy

This policy facilitates remote work arrangements, detailing eligibility, expectations, and resources provided to ensure productivity and security outside the traditional office environment.

Altum HR. Whistleblowing Policy
Whistleblowing Policy

Encouraging transparency and integrity, this policy provides a safe channel for employees to report illegal or unethical practices without fear of retaliation. It details the procedures for reporting and how these concerns will be handled by the business.


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