What Is The Good Work Plan?
What is The Good Work Plan?
In less than three months on the April 6th 2020, employers will have to adhere to the new employment laws proposed in the governments Good Work Plan.
It is one of the biggest shakeups of employment law in recent history, so why are 59% of British employers utterly unaware of these laws and their obligations regarding these upcoming changes?
We know that understanding changes in laws and legislation can be tricky, so we want to support you and provide a brief overview of exactly what The Good Work Plan is.
What changes have already been made?
Unbeknown to some, some changes were introduced back in April 2019 including:
- The right to a payslip for all workers, not just employees
- Payslips must now outline hours worked for hourly-paid
- An increase in the maximum penalty for ‘aggravated breaches of employment law.’
What Are The Aims Of The Good Work Plan?
The Good Work Plan came about as a result of an independent review known as the Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices that took place in July 2017. The Good Work Plan is the response to the report with plans to make some significant changes, including:
- Creating a single labour enforcement body
- Making it easy for contractors, workers and employers to understand how the law applies to their particular situation easily
- Getting clear on the terms and conditions both parties are required to enter into at the start of the relationship
- Making relationships, rights and obligations within employment law more transparent.
- More of a focus on creating higher-quality jobs
What Are The Benefits?
This is the first time that the government has placed equal importance on both the quantity and quality of work and is set to have significant benefits for both workers and employers. Outlined as a ‘Vision for the future of the UK labour market’ the GPW intends to
- Ensure access to fair and decent work for all
- Greater clarity on the nature of working relationships
- Create enforcement that is fair and fit for purpose
- Provide businesses with the chance to overhaul and adjust their existing employee and worker documentation
- Improve business’ relationships with employees and workers resulting in happier employees, improved retention and productivity
- Help people to make better work choices about work that suits their needs by improved transparency around job quality
The downsides?
- The Good Work Plan will impact almost every business in the country, and if employers remain unaware, they could find themselves facing fines of up to £20,000.
- It takes time and effort to do it properly
- The business will need to re-assess their employees and workers against the new criteria
What About Brexit?
The Prime Minister has committed that we will not only maintain workers’ rights as the UK leaves the EU, but enhance them, and this Good Work Plan demonstrates how the government will continue to do this.
If you are unsure if your policies and employment contracts will still be suitable after the good work plan changes take place, get in touch for a free, no-obligation policy review.