How can I keep my employees motivated?

Staff who feel motivated in the workplace are far more likely to reach their goals and experience less stress. This will lead to increased productivity and higher retention of loyal staff. So how can you motivate your employees?

What keeps staff motivated?

Perhaps the easiest way to motivate staff is to ensure that the workplace is somewhere staff like to be and like to work. Comfort is important, so ensuring the temperature is not too hot or cold, that furniture is comfortable and that workspaces are kept clean and tidy will help staff enjoy being at work. You may like to consider offering perks such as fruit baskets or healthy snacks, or investing a coffee machine for staff to enjoy during their breaks.

Staff will be motivated to work hard if they feel that they are being treated fairly and that they are supported by their employers. Managers who accept that mistakes sometimes happen, who say thank you when they see a job is done well and who avoid overworking them are more likely to inspire hard work in their staff. Employers should also lead by example. A manager who works hard and who shows that they are motivated to achieve their goals is more likely to encourage their staff to adopt the same attitude to their work.

Progression and growth

Staff who are offered opportunities within the company are more likely to work harder than staff who cannot see a way to progress further. Offering training opportunities and a chance for professional development will show that you are prepared to invest in them and their careers. Looking for staff to promote to managerial positions from within the company rather than looking outside the company for recruitment will also demonstrate your trust in your employees and how much you value them.

It is important to be transparent with your staff and to communicate with them how well the business is doing. Sharing the successes of your company with your employees will help to make them feel more involved and invested – it will help them see how important their role is.

Recognition and reward

One of the most effective methods of motivating your employees is to recognise their achievements and reward them. Giving staff something to work towards is incredibly motivating. Incentive schemes could be anything from yearly bonuses, company shares or private healthcare schemes. Knowing that they will be rewarded for going above and beyond what is expected of them is going to encourage them to work that bit harder. Although pitting staff against each other should be avoided, friendly competition can also push staff that bit more to reach their goals.

Take the time to get to know your staff and understand what motivates them. This will help you to develop strategies that will get the very best performance from your team in your workplace.

Getting support

If you would like support and advice on increasing engagement and motivation amongst your workforce get in touch for a no-obligation chat with one of our professional HR advisors.

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